Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Dining with my Daughter"

It was "Dad's Night" at Giovanni's pre-school, and luckily his Dad flew back into town in time for the event, so I took our daughter, Sophia, out for a "dinner date" -- Giovanni and I have shared a few of these when Sophia and Joe have had their Indian Princess camp-outs.  We decided to go somewhere different--a place we haven't been to before as a family.  We settled on "Zov's" -- a classy local hang-out.  Sophia had never been there before and she was worth every over-priced menu item! 

I am amazed at how mature she is and how much she is a "little lady".  Just the way she held a conversation this evening was as if she and I were not at once connected by an umbilical cord.  However, there were times when she blurted, "Mommy, I love you more than anything in this world because I loved you FIRST!"  (This is in reference to whom she really felt connected to from in the womb).  She is my never-ending DELIGHT!  Sure there are times of challenge--where I feel like I am losing it with patience and the constant "because I told you so's"--but they are nil compared to the overflowing goodness that emanates from Sophia--she is a trooper! 

Sophia went to Giovanni's T-ball practice with me the other day, and she wanted to help the coach.  I told her to ask permission and he replied with "Sure!"  (Little did he know that he had a little adult at his side--way beyond her years!).  Sophia then ran to the car and grabbed her softball mitt--she immediately sprinted to the "Miteball" field to assist with the practice.  When I saw her rolling ground balls to the boys and saying, "That's what I want!" after they put it in their glove, I almost fell over!  I was silently saying, "Who is that child?"  Oh wait...she is mine!  She is 7, but has the heart and mind of a 30 year-old.  She was placing her hand on the shoulders of these boys saying, "You can do it, I know you can!"  

"Hello, God?"  I am listening, and I am soooo present and aware of your gifts of abundance!  Thank you!!!  We will always give back to prove that we acknowledge your goodness!  We praise you!  I hope that Kenton knows his influence:  "We were blessed to be a blessing"----and we're hoping to be just that!

Today I made a "Trader Joe's" Banana Bread--it was a mix from a box, but I added 3/4 cup chocolate chips and it was over-the-top delicious!!!  You can find the mix boxed in the store.  It is awesome!!!

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