Monday, May 3, 2010

"Call For Action"

I was watching the Oprah Winfrey episode last Friday where she declared a "Call For Action" regarding distracting driving due to the use of cell phones.  Statistics state that texting or utilizing your cell phone while driving is equivalent to driving drunk--with a blood alcohol level two times above the normal.  That is shocking to say the least as drunk driving is such a horrible epidemic! 

Those of you that read my blog know how I believe that each and everyone of us can make a positive difference in the lives of others--Oprah has done so much of that for so many, over so many years...and hopefully she will have more accolades because of her drawing attention to this problem.

As my baby sister had to learn yesterday that her childhood friend died from a heroin overdose, I believe that a HUGE call for action is needed regarding substance addiciton in our youth population.  So many lives are shortened by this horrible epidemic and such pain and sorrow are left behind.  A mother and father should never have to bury their stomach clenches at how horrific that experience must be.  We have dear family friends that had to bury their son after the Taliban took him from the mountains in Afghanistan while fighting for our freedom here and abroad, and I will never forget the phone call informing me of that fact.  Every generation has their "Do you remember what you were doing when you found out about...?"  Well I believe that these tragedies, whether they be war-related or drug-related or health-related or catastrophic situations, are happening at far too rapid a speed.  Our youth are having their childhoods eradicated--so much is exposed to them at far too young an age thanks to the internet, and drug cartels.

I pray that the family of this twenty year old woman can find strength and some sort of peace someday.  Never will this tragedy be heart aches for them, and for any other family that has had to experience the loss of a loved one at much too young of an age.

Please appreciate life, and honor its fragility and preciousness.  We all need to be grateful for the time we have here and live with purpose. 

I suppose the message in today's blog is recognizing a needed "Call For Action" when it comes to someone sick with addiction or someone in need of obvious help.  I pray that courage will enter each and every heart if there is a time when it is needed--especially in order to intervene with something serious.  I pray that love and care will abound, and that there can be hope placed in the hearts of those who have lost it.

"Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark."--George Iles

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